Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pampered Pooch

We woof these sweet Bullseye Designer Collection bowls from FetchDog! Handmade by a SoHo designer Emily McCoy, with circle patterns inspired by her dog’s lovable face. 5% of proceeds from the sale of her bowls and treat jars are donated to animal causes… Doesn’t that just hit the spot?

These new dog beds from MollyMutt will put four paws on the floor in really mod style! This idea is just brilliant — forget buying yet another poly-fill pillow. Have a dog bed that’s seen better days? stuff it in the duvet! have old pillows? Stuff them in the duvet! Have a dog that loves lumpy laundry over the sofa? Put old clothes in the duvet!

Not only are you keeping waste out of our landfills, but your dog will accept the new bed more quickly if it already smells like home. (We’re not pointing fingers, but some dogs we know think anything new needs to be chew-tested.)

1 comment:

JackPDB said...

I love the greening of the pet industry, in everything from packaging to recycled and biodegradable materials. The U.S. pet industry is a 48 BILLION dollar-a-year business; if even a percentage of that goes to green and environmentally friendly manufacturers and distributors, it can make a HUGE difference. And if it encourages sustainable practices in other manufacturers, well, so much the better.