Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear Essentially Major....

Q. I want to be major, essentially. I am a 43 (almost 44) year old man who used to find style came naturally. I see lots of looks I like, but I worry now about "age appropriateness." Is there a certain way to approach my personal fashion so that I remain true to my edgy roots without looking like a clown? Is there an age cut off for style? Help me, Major! You're my only hope!

- Hurting inside to look good on the outside,"Anonymous"

A. So I totally feel you on the age appropriate thing. And while I do feel that individual style should always out rule any fashion edict, I was frightfully reminded that everything isn't for every age when I saw Nicolette Sheridan on the SAG red carpet. I think you should look at your style the same way writers look at their work ... really go for it initially, then edit, edit, edit! An easy way out is to just find a style icon in your age group to emulate. Once you've done your edit and put a look together that works for you, repeat the hell out of it! Buy similar clothes in similar styles that you can mix and match with each other. That way you'll always look like you're wearing something fresh and new, even though you totally feel comfortable in all the pieces already.

Here are a few Essentially Major Icons to get you started

Tweens & Twenties: The Jonas Brothers
All the classics should be turned on their heads in your twenties. These guys are a great example of how to do that well. Daring, fun, edgy, with lots of bold choice of colors and fabrics. Yet still very well groomed a tailored enough to be taken seriously.

Thirty Something: David Beckham
A character defining decade for any man of style. This is when the rough and tumble fashion faux pas of your twenties should be used as stepping stones towards a more soundly edited look. Play with color on a more subtle scale and really start to think of each piece you purchase as an investment.

Fab & Forty: Will Smith
If made-to-measure hasn't entered your vocabulary by this point, what are you waiting on? The training wheels need to come completely off. Everything you own should be judged by the edits you made for yourself during your twenties and thirties. Your colors, your fit, and the right fabrics for your body type should be applied effortlessly and perfectly tailored to match.

Fifty Plus: Russell Simmons
There is no better example than Russell when it comes to pulling off a traditionally younger look at an older age. It works because it isn't a look at all. It's just him in his own skin and on his own terms. He's also a good example of consistency. If you know you look great in a set of particular looks, now is the time to stick to what you know and leave the trendsetting to the boy bands.

What's your question??? Send us an email!!!

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