Say it ain't so, Alex...say it ain't so.
I can't say I'm too surprised. First Michael Phelps gets blasted for smoking weed. Now, A-Rod admits to using steroids. What's next, Serena Williams tests positive for human growth hormone?
But everything isn't what it seems to be. What causes me to take a step back and scratch my head is that Alex failed an anonymous drug test in 2003. An anonymous test. The results of which were to be kept confidential. To be fair to Alex, 104 players in all failed that same anonymous drug test. How come A-Rod's name was the only one dropped? Who did he piss off?
So, before you're so quick to pass judgment on A-Rod, let's find out who those other 103 players are. Think about it...104 total players. That's 4 baseball teams plus another starting rotation. That's alot of damn steroids.
The Breakdown:
Alex Rodriguez was MVP in 2003, the same year he tested positive for steroids. But this same Alex Rodriguez also was MVP in 2005 and 2007, the same years he passed drug tests. He also passed the World Baseball Classic drug test which is similar to the drug testing of the Olympics. So, is he a phony? I'm not sure.
The one thing I AM sure of is...there will be alot more names to follow. Just watch.
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