One of Kobe Bryant's favorite quotes is "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." And from the looks of his workout, apparently the work of the devil.

This perennial NBA all-star has bulked up since his emergence in the late 90s. Some say he added as much as 40 pounds to his frame through his workout regimen. But now that he is older, he is wiser. Bryant dropped almost 20 pounds last season. It wasn't fat that he got rid of; he just cut back on training that increases muscle mass.

Kobe's workout is called the 666 workout. Numerology aside, the 666 has helped elevate Bryant to the upper echelon of greatness. Essentially, the numbers mean that he worked out six hours a day, six days a week for six months out of the year. (And be's not for the faint of heart.)
The 666 workout: 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, 6 months a year.
Consists of:
2 hours of running
2 hours of basketball
1 hour of Cardio (boxing, jump rope, etc)
1 hour of Weights which are listed below:
Day 1 & Day 4
Bench press
Lat pull-downs
Incline press
Military press
Abdominal crunches
Day 2 & Day 5
Lateral dumbbell raises
Bar dips
Tricep press-downs
Bicep curls
Abdominal crunches
Day 3 & Day 6
Back squats/Front squats
Leg curls
Leg extensions
Calf raises
Abdominal crunches

Also an important thing to know is that Kobe focused on plyometric more than anything, which for those who don’t know is a method to develop explosive power.
See Kobe and the Lakers in the NBA Finals tonight at 8:30 on ABC.
my bigga nigga..kobe b
Good workout to stay lean but strong.
Kobe is so sick. That workout is insane. Here's another article about his workout routine:
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